"If you want to change the world, go home and love your family."
- St. Teresa of Calcutta

To be holy does not mean to be perfect. The ancient Jewish understanding of holiness is to be 'set apart for a specific purpose'. Yet, so many of us don't want to be set apart. We don't want to be different, to go against the flow, to be recognized as a disciple of Christ. But, when we make the prayer of our heart that we will do ANYTHING to spread the love of God, a miracle happens. God meets us where we are, and gently brings us to where he is calling us to be. Here at Warriors of St. Michael, we are driven by a single goal: to do our part in making every Catholic home and parish a training ground to equip the people of God to 'fight the good fight' with the spiritual weapons of faith, hope, and charity. We seek to form disciples of Christ into warriors of peace who reject mediocrity in their spiritual lives, and are willing to follow the Divine Lamb wherever he leads. It's time to rediscover the treasures of our Catholic heritage, and recommit to those small daily disciplines that make all the difference. But, we can't do it alone. The missing ingredient in many of our spiritual lives is support from a strong community of brothers. When we take time to be strengthened by our brothers, we can return to our families with renewed zeal & inspiration to set an example as a man of God & to lead our wives & children closer to Christ as the lay priests of the domestic church which is our home.